Check your Russian language proficiency level
Let me guess...You are a Russian language learner and you want to know your level of proficiency in Russian language. And no, this is not a grammar test to simply tell you that your level is B2 or B1 (while in reality you cannot really make a sentence in Russian without word options written in the tasks). My students know that I hate traditional teaching approaches when it seems like they prepare people to actually teach Russian grammar rules themselves after all. You are not learning Russian language to explain grammar rules to someone, you learn it to be able to communicate and to understand a fast spoken speech in Russian. If this is your goal - then you are my student. If not, I am afraid you will not find anything interesting here for you (I don't teach grammar the usual way as it's taught at schools).
Are you ready to actually find out your REAL level of Russian language proficiency?
What do I mean by a REAL level? Let's admit that saying A2, B1 do not really tell anything about your level. I have already seen people assuring me that they had B2 level but who couldn't make a simple conversation. And, on the contrary, people who were convinced by their teachers that they had A2 according to their grammar tests but who could speak fluently in Russian without any hesitation but with some minor mistakes.
Well, I have created a special classification of Russian language proficiency levels where everything is explained in simple words. Let's have a look at it!
Russian language proficiency levels
Level 0. A complete beginner in Russian | Чайник
You have 0 knowledge in Russian language except for some funny words your friends taught you. And you are ready to discover strange Russian alphabet.
Level 1. A discoverer | Открыватель
You have recently discovered Russian alphabet and can read some words slowly.
You know some basic Russian words but still have some difficulties to pronounce them.
You cannot make sentences and understand Russian people speaking.
Level 2. A challenger | Посылающий вызов
You have already learned some important Russian words and phrases;
You know how to introduce yourself, greet people, say goodbye, be polite, and other main phrases to start interacting with people in Russian;
You can make short sentences in Russian with mistakes;
You still struggle to speak in sentences but you can use some simple requests;
You can recognize Russian words and phrases you know in slow speech.
Level 3. A warrior | Боец
You have learned a good amount of Russian words to be able to read and write simple sentences;
You can slowly speak in Russian with a fixed set of words you've learned;
You make grammar mistakes but you can anyway make yourself understood;
You can understand a little the idea of what people are speaking about from the context and familiar words;
You can write some simple sentences in Russian but you tend to make orthographic errors.
Level 4. A rebel | Бунтарь
Your vocabulary in Russian is quite diverse and you can speak decently on some simple topics;
You still make some grammar mistakes but you can notice them yourself;
You don't concentrate on Russian grammar and you try to speak as much as you can;
You understand overall what people are speaking about but not each amd every word;
You can read simple stories in Russian without checking every word in a dictionary;
You can write some simple sentences in Russian but you tend to make some orthographic errors and often notice them yourself.
Level 5. Achiever | Лидер
You feel more confident speaking Russian even though you can forget some words but you know how to find good associations or synonyms to replace;
You can make some grammar mistakes from time to time but people tell that they don't notice;
You can read some difficult texts in Russian and find only several new words;
You can write your ideas in Russian as quickly as you can speak but you still can be uncertain regarding the orphography of some words.
Level 6. Champion | Чемпион
Your Russian vocabulary is really advanced and you know many idiomatic and slang expressions;
You can speak fluently in Russian without any hesitation on various topics;
You can read some difficult Russian texts and have almost no new words to check;
You can write your ideas as quickly as you can speak in Russian without making major mistakes.
Great! Which one do you think you are? Please, notice that even when you reach the level 6, you still won't be able to say that your Russian language is perfect. Any language should be learned throughout your whole life. Admit that even in your native language there are many things that you don't know and continue to discover: some academic words, interesting idioms and expressions, punctuation rules and so on.
Take the following test and find out your Russian language level of proficiency.
Test your Russian language level
Hello! My name is Mila and I am a founder of Hack Your Russian language platform. You can find me here:
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