There are lots of Russian words with several meanings that you should know. There is a slight difference between the words with several meanings and homonyms. Words with several meanings have really close meanings and represent the same parts of the speech. Watch the video below to find more on this topic.
Russian words with several meanings
Let's look at some key examples of Russian words with several meanings:
The first Russian word with several meanings is 'звезда'
The second Russian word with several meanings is 'пара'
Another Russian word with several meanings is 'перемена'
Another Russian word with several meanings is 'париться'
More examples of Russian words with several meanings are given in the video lesson above.
If you have recently started to learn Russian language, you should absolutely get my free guide 'Essential Russian Words and Expressions to Understand Spoken Russian'.
This guide also contains audio files so that you can listen to these phrases on the go: while driving, walking, doing sport or brushing your teeth. Make sure that you repeat these phrases yourself and try to imitate my accent.
It's also very important to know how to pronounce Russian words correctly as not every Russian letter is pronounced the same way as it's written. There are certain Russian pronunciation rules that are really easy to learn.

Hello! My name is Mila and I am a founder of Hack Your Russian language platform. You can find me here:
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