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How to wish something nice in Russian

Writer's picture: MilaMila

Updated: Oct 12, 2021

If you are learning Russian language, you must know the following words and expressions for different situations and occasions. I noticed that when it comes to actually using these handy expressions in real situations, people get stuck and cannot remember them or simply don't know what to say. Therefore, I have collected for you different types of good wishes in Russian that can help you to wish nice things to people in particular situations. You will find all these phrases in my video lesson. Summary of the video with all useful expressions to wish something nice in Russian are given below the video.

Here are the phrases that you are going to learn from this post:

How to wish something nice in Russian

Here is an overview of all Russian phrases to wish something nice in Russian:

How to say 'enjoy your meal' in Russian?

Enjoy your meal in Russian

Прия́тного аппети́та! [прийАтнава апитИта]

Enjoy your meal!

Full sentence:

Я жела́ю тебе́ прия́тного аппети́та!

Direct translation: I wish you to have a pleasant appetite

The verb 'жела́ть'(to wish) requires nouns in the Genitive case.

Importrant note:

Endings -ЕГО/ -ОГО should be pronounced with a consonant В. This is one of the fixed Russian pronunciation rules that you should know to speak proper Russian.

How to wish a good day in Russian?

There are different ways to wish 'a good day' in Russian. You should simply change the adjective and use the one that you like the most.

Have a good day in Russian

Хоро́шего дня! [харОшыва дн'А]

Have a good day!

Отли́чного дня! [атлИчнава дн'А]

Have an excellent day!

Прекра́сного дня! [прикрАснава дн'А]

Have a wonderful day!

Замеча́тельного дня! [замичАтил'нава дн'А]

Have an amazing day!

Уда́чного дня! [удАчнава дн'А]

Have a lucky day!

How to wish a good evening in Russian?

There are different ways to wish 'a good evening' in Russian. You should simply change the adjective and use the one that you like the most.

Have a good evening in Russian

Хоро́шего ве́чера! [харОшыва в'Эчира]

Have a good evening!

Отли́чного ве́чера! [атлИчнава в'Эчира]

Have an excellent evening!

Прекра́сного ве́чера! [прикрАснава в'Эчира]

Have a wonderful evening!

Замеча́тельного ве́чера! [замичАтил'нава в'Эчира]

Have an amazing evening!

How to wish a good week in Russian?

There are different ways to wish 'a good week' in Russian. You should simply change the adjective and use the one that you like the most.

Have a good week in Russian

Хоро́шей неде́ли! [харОшэй нид'Эли]

Have a good week!

Отли́чной неде́ли! [атлИчнай нид'Эли]

Have an excellent week!

Прекра́сной неде́ли! [прикрАснай нид'Эли]

Have a wonderful week!

Замеча́тельной неде́ли! [замичАтил'най нид'Эли]

Have an amazing week!

Уда́чной неде́ли! [удАчнай нид'Эли] Have a lucky week!

How to wish a good weekend in Russian?

There are different ways to wish 'a good weekend' in Russian. You should simply change the adjective and use the one that you like the most.

Have a good weekend in Russian

Хоро́ших выходны́х! [харОшых выхаднЫх]

Have a good weekend!

Отли́чных выходны́х! [атлИчных выхаднЫх]

Have an excellent weekend!

Прекра́сных выходны́х! [прикрАсных выхаднЫх]

Have a wonderful weekend!

Замеча́тельных выходны́х! [замичАтил'ных выхаднЫх]

Have an amazing weekend!

How to wish a good trip in Russian?

There are two ways to wish 'a good trip' in Russian. You can also use other adjectives if you want. But these are the most frequent phrases you will hear.

Have a good trip in Russian

Счастли́вого пути́!

[щислИвава путИ]

Have a happy trip!

Счастли́вой доро́ги!

[щислИвай дарОги]

Have a happy trip!

How to wish a good flight in Russian?

Have a good flight in Russian

If you know that a person is going

to take a plane, you can use the

following expression:

Счастли́вого полёта!

[щислИвава пал'Ота]

Have a happy flight!

Pay a special attention to the

transcription of the adjective.

How to wish a good vacation in Russian?

There are two most common ways to wish 'a good vacation' in Russian. You should simply change the adjective and use the one that you like the most.

Have a good vacation in Russian

Отли́чного о́тпуска!

[атлИчнава Отпуска]

Have a great vacation!

Отли́чного о́тдыха!

[атлИчнава Отдыха]

Have a great rest!

How to wish a good night in Russian?

There are two most common ways to wish 'a good night' in Russian. You can also use other adjectives if you want. But these are the most frequent phrases you will hear.

Have a good night in Russian

Споко́йной но́чи!

[спакОйнай нОчи]

Good night!

Прия́тных снов!

[прийАтных сноф]

Have pleasant dreams!

How to wish a quick recovery in Russian?

There are three most common ways to say 'get well soon' in Russian.

Get well soon in Russian

Скоре́йшего выздоровле́ния!

[скар'Эйшыва выздаравл'Энийа]

Have a quick recovery!

Выздора́вливай быстре́й!

[выздарАвливай быстрЭй]

Get well soon!

*Add a particle 'те' to the verb if you address it to

a stranger, a person in authority or in formal situations. Выздора́вливайте быстре́й!

Поправля́йся скоре́е!

[паправл'Айс'А скар'Эй'э]

Get well soon!

*Remove the ending 'ся' and add a particle 'тесь' to the verb if you address it to

a stranger, a person in authority or in formal situations.

Поправля́йтесь скоре́е!

When a person has recovered from his / her illness, you can use the following

expression in Russian:

Не боле́й! [нибал'Эй] Keep healthy! (don't get sick)

Не боле́йте! [нибал'Эйт'э] Keep healthy! (don't get sick)

For several people or in formal situations

How to say 'take care' in Russian?

Take care in Russian

Береги́ себя́!

[биригИ сиб'А]

Take care (singular / informal)

Береги́те себя́!

[биригИт'Э сиб'А]

Take care (plural / formal)

How to wish good luck in Russian?

Good luck in Russian

Удачи! [удАчи] Good luck!

Full sentence:

Я жела́ю тебе́ / вам уда́чи!

I wish you good luck!

Уда́чи на экза́мене!

Good luck on your exam!

Уда́чи на собесе́довании!

Good luck on your job interview!

Ни пу́ха ни пера́!

I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!

(Old-fashioned idiomatic expression)

К чёрту!

To the devil!

A traditional reply to 'Ни пуха ни пера'

How to say 'Happy birthday!' in Russian?

Happy birthday in Russian

С днём рожде́ния!

[здн'ом ражд'Эн'йа]

Happy birthday!

In order to wish something nice in Russian,

you should use the following construction:

Я жела́ю тебе́ / вам ... + Genitive case

[йа жылАйу тиб'Э]

I wish you ...

Here are some possible things that you can wish in Russian (already in the Genitive case):

кре́пкого здоро́вья [кр'Эпкава здарОв'йа] solid health

успе́хов [усп'Эхаф] success (plural)

любви [л'убвИ] love

мно́го де́нег [мнОга д'Эн'эк] lots of money

Or you can just wish all the good things in Russian. Do you know how to say 'All the best' in Russian? Here are the options:

Всего́ хоро́шего! [фсивО харОшыва] All the best!

Всего́ до́брого! [фсивО дОбрава] All the best!

Всего́ наилу́чшего! [фсивО наилУтшыва] All the best!

Do you know what you can do now to show of your great knowledge of good wishes in Russian? You can write a postcard to your friend in Russian. And it will be even better if you could write it in a beautiful Russian cursive.

Good wishes in Russian

We have covered the most common good wishes in Russian for different situations and occasions. Your goal now is to learn and practice these Russian words and expressions so that you can use them straight away when needed. You can find the audio files with pronunciation of these Russian phrases in my free guide 'Essential Russian Words and Expressions to Understand Spoken Russian'.

This guide also contains audio files so that you can listen to these phrases on the go: while driving, walking, doing sport or brushing your teeth. Make sure that you repeat these phrases yourself and try to imitate my accent.


Hello! My name is Mila and I am a founder of Hack Your Russian language platform. You can find me here:

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