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Russian video lessons to learn Russian

for beginners and elementary students

Learn Russian for beginners. In these videos lessons, you will learn basic Russian words, phrases and grammar patterns to start making simple sentences in Russian. In particular, you will learn Russian alphabet, how to say Hello in Russian, different ways to ask How are you? in Russian, how to introduce yourself and others and so on. These are the main everyday Russian words and phrases you need to learn in the beginning of your learning path to master Russian language. 


Learn Russian alphabet

Do you still think that learning Russian alphabet is boring and difficult? Well, it's because you learn it with stupid word examples that don't stick to your mind. I suggest you to learn Cyrillic letters and discover interesting cultural insights at the same time. Each letter has a curious Russian word or phenomenon that starts with it. Let's hack Russian alphabet!

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How to say Hello in Russian

First things first. After learning Russian alphabet, you need to learn how to greet in Russian. In fact, there are various different ways to greet in Russian: formal, informal, colloquial, slang and idiomatic. Watch this lesson and learn which of them to use with your friends, colleagues, your boss, neighbours and strangers. All examples are taken from Russian movies and TV-series.


How to ask How are you? in Russian

Let's move on. Now you can learn different ways to ask How are you? in Russian. There are also various different ways to greet in Russian: formal, informal, colloquial, slang and idiomatic. Watch this lesson and learn which of them to use with your friends, colleagues, your boss, neighbours and strangers. And you will also learn how to respond to this question in Russian.

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How to say goodbye in Russian

You need to leave but how to say Goodbye in Russian? There are different interesting ways to say goodbye in Russian: formal, informal, colloquial, slang and idiomatic. Watch this lesson and learn which of them to use with your friends, colleagues, your boss, neighbours and strangers. All examples are taken from Russian movies and TV-series.

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How to introduce in Russian

You have already learned Russian alphabet and basic Russian phrases like hello, goodbye and how are you. Now it's time to learn how to introduce yourself and others in Russian. Watch this lesson and learn how to do it in Russian. You will learn some interesting cultural insights to better understand Russian mentality. All examples are taken from Russian movies.

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Difference between ты and вы

Did you know that there are two forms of a Russian pronoun YOU - ты and вы. Do you know when to used each of them? How to understand whom you can address by using вы? Why is it important? Watch this lesson and learn in which situations you can use these forms in Russian. You will also learn some interesting cultural insights to better understand Russian mentality. 


How to address people in Russian

Russian people are strange because they can address strangers by saying "woman" or "man". It may sound rude to English speaking people. In fact, you will be surprised to see so many various ways to get someone's attention in Russian.  Watch this lesson and learn in which situations you can use these different forms and which of them are dangerous to use in Russian. 

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How to be polite

in Russian

Even though foreigners think that Russian people are rude, there are a lot of polite phrases that we use in Russian language. It is important to learn these basic polite phrases if you don't want to be seen as an impolite person. Watch this lesson and learn how to use these polite phrases in Russian, what they mean and why it is so important to use them in everyday life.

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Stereotypes about Russian

Since you are learning Russian language, you also need to learn more about Russian culture and mentality of Russian people in order to better understand the language of their native speakers. You have probably heard these numerous stereotypes about Russian people. Russians never smile. All Russians drink vodka. Watch this video and find out which ones of them are true.


Russian words similar to English

Did you know that there are approximately 2000 Russian words that are similar to English. These words are called cognates - words that sound a look almost the same in Russian and English languages, and most importantly, they have the same meaning. Watch this video and learn these new words that you already know in English. 


Russian-English false friends

After learning the most frequent Russian words similar to English, you should also learn most frequent Russian-English false friends. These are false cognates - words that sound and look almost the same but have a completely different meaning. This is important because it is easy to put oneself in an awkward situation if use misuse these words.

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How to encourage someone in Russian

What is the most important thing in learning Russian language? Motivation and interest. Watch this video lesson and learn different phrases to cheer up and encourage someone in Russian. You can also use these Russian phrases to encourage yourself to continue learning Russian language when it looks hard. You will be able to encourage and motivate your friends in Russian.

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Free Russian lessons for beginners
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